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LAN-520 Basic Setup

1.0 Introduction

The following are basic setup instructions for the LAN-520 module. Some settings may not apply to every application.


Note: The LAN-520 AESP is an updated version of Keri’s LAN-520X device. If you are using the new NC-485X Network Converter with the LAN-520, you must use the LAN-520 AESP module (or the existing LAN-520X module). The original NC-485 Network Converter is NOT compatible with the new LAN-520 AESP (or the existing LAN-520X module).


Note: To set up the LAN-520, you MUST have technical knowledge of general networking in a PC environment. Please have a network administrator on site to resolve any special networking issues that might occur during device programming. Network topologies and strategies will vary.


LAN-520 AESP Module



As well as PXLs and Entraguards, some of the Mercury SPM models also support direct connection of a LAN-520. The models include; The AP-SPM, SPM-C and SPM-E.



2.0 Installing the LAN-520 on the PXL-500 Controller


LAN-520-AESP-Image 2




3.0 Installing the LAN-520 on an Entraguard Controller

Support for the LAN unit on Entraguard begin with PCB 23217-001 Rev. E. Earlier units cannot support a LAN unit.

Note: Mounting screws are supplied to secure the LAN-520 to the Entraguard unit. The Entraguard PCB will have to

be removed from its enclosure to do this.


4.0 Default DHCP Setting

The LAN-520 AESP has DHCP enabled by default. When the LAN-520 AESP module is connected to a DHCP enabled router it automatically receives an IP address. The quickest way to find out what DHCP address has been assigned to the module is to install and run Lantronix Device Installer. Perform the following steps to install and use this program:



5.0 Installing Lantronix Device Installer
  1. Explore the contents of the installation disk and locate a folder named ‘Lantronix Device Installer’.
  2. Double-click the ‘Installer_KeriSystems’ executable.
  3. If you are using the Doors.NET software you will see the 'Lantronix Device Installer folder on the disk but there will also be a subfolder named 'Updated_Lantronix'. Go into that folder and double-click the 'Device_Installer_v4' executable.
  4. You will see a notification window informing you that .NET Framework and Device installer are both required.
  5. Click 'Install' to proceed with installing the required components.

    Device Installer Welcome Page

  6. You will not need an active internet connection as all the required components are included in the executable file.
  7. Check the check box to confirm you have read the Microsoft Terms and Agreements.
  8. Click install and the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile will install.

    DV Installer Progress

  9. Click Finish once installation is complete.
  10. The Lantronix Device Installer Setup Wizard will then start automatically.
  11. Click Next on the Welcome page.
  12. The Installation Folder page displays the default location where the program will be installed. You can click Browse to locate and select a different location.
  13. Click Next, then Next again to start installing Device Installer. Installation of this program should take no longer than a minute.
  14. Once installation is complete you can locate the application via; Start >> All Programs >> Lantronix >> Device Installer 4.4 >> Device Installer.
  15. Right-click the Device Installer application file and select Send to – Desktop (create shortcut).

DV Create Desktop Icon



6.0 Starting Lantronix Device Installer

Device Installer Icon


Lan 520 Module Online



7.0 Assigning a Static IP Address
  1. Highlight the LAN-520 entry and click the Assign IP button.
  2. The Assignment Method page defaults to ‘Assign a specific IP address’ so click Next.
  3. Enter a new static IP address or leave as is (if you are happy with the address that was assigned by DHCP). On this page you can optionally add a gateway IP address as well. A gateway address is not required if the PC running Doors32/Doors.NET is on the same subnet. Click Next again.
  4. Click the Assign button to complete the static IP address assignment.
  5. Click Finish when you see assignment has successfully completed.

Highlight the LAN-520

8.0 Telnet Session to Verify Communication

This will test the default port used by Doors32/Doors.NET to communicate to the device.


The telnet command is preferred over the ping command in testing communications because the telnet command will give a specific response from the device, whereas the ping command may give a response from a different device (if there is a duplicate IP address on the network).



9.0 Enable Telnet Client Windows 10

If you try to make a telnet connection to the LAN-520 but you see the following message: ‘telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file’ then it is likely you are using Windows 10. Telnet Client is disabled by default on a Windows 7 operating system.


Perform the following steps to enable Telnet in Windows 10:


Telnet Enable



10.0 Calculate Netmask: Number of Bits for Host Part

During the configuration of the LAN-520 AESP's TCP/IP address it will be necessary to add the subnet mask in number of host bits. The following is one way of calculating the host bits in a subnet.

A Decimal to Binary conversion of 255 will be all 1’s (11111111) and a 0 will equal 8 0’s (00000000).

If there are two 0’s in the subnet ( there will be 16 0’s thus the host part will be 16.


  1. To calculate a subnet like, open the Windows Calculator.
  2. Click on View > Scientific.
  3. Dec (Decimal) will already be selected.
  4. Type in the last segment (248).
  5. Select Bin (Binary) and the binary conversion will take place.
  6. The 0s will represent the number of available bits. This number will be the Number of Bits for Host Part (248 =11111000 = 3). Number of Bits for Host Part is 3.





Binary Calculation



11.0 LAN-520 AESP Factory Reset Procedure

Perform the following steps to reset the LAN unit to its factory default settings:

  1. Power the unit OFF
  2. Place a jumper across the Factory Default Jumper pins
  3. Power the the unit ON – this resets the LAN unit
  4. Power the unit OFF
  5. Remove the jumper from the Factory Default Jumper pins



12.0 General Notes